International Training

IAEA Training Course on Safety Aspects on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development (SANPID)

The training course on Safety Aspects on Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development (SANPID) is organised by the Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network (, JAIF International Cooperation Center (JICC), The University of Tokyo and the WERC in cooperation with the IAEA.
      The purpose of this training course is to provide;

  • Knowledge of 19 infrastructure issues newcomer countries should consider for establishing a nuclear power program, and the necessary actions to establish the nuclear safety infrastructure
  • Practical knowledge of nuclear power generation safety for people with technical background who are actually working for nuclear power introduction
  • Expansion project by the combination of lectures in the class room
  • Field exercises at NPP sites, training centers and facilities
    Practical knowledge includes the experience at NPP sites, lessons from Fukushima Daiichi accident by site visits and simulation, the experience of facility visits and related information given by the lectures. This course will provide essential knowledge of practical nuclear power generation technology with emphasis on nuclear safety.


    <Participating Countries as of 2016>
    Chile, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Niger, Nigeria, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam

    <Eligible Persons>
    Young engineers and professionals from growing and newcomer countries in the nuclear field.


    Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture and Tokai village, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

    4 - 6 weeks

    Group Discussion